SOS (Survivors of Suicide) Offers Hope for Those Left Behind
The Suicide and Crisis Center offers a unique program for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. All of our services are free to the community. Our groups are designed for recent survivors (two years or less). The groups are structured. There are no “drop-ins.” Times and locations vary, and will not be posted here. Please call or email us (see below).
…the group literally pulled me through my darkest days when even my closest relatives and friends did not understand what to do or how to help.
Grief is the Beginning of Healing
Many people who experience the loss of a loved one go through a similar healing process. They share the common feelings you do: anger, guilt, shame, and even disbelief. SOS offers a structured eight-week group led by two trained facilitators, at least one of whom is a survivor themselves. Participants become part of a caring program, where they are encouraged to share their feelings with others and gain perspective on their loss.
After completion of the eight-week group, ongoing support is offered through a program called Next Step. For more information, call us at 214.824.7020 or complete the contact form. You may also send us an email at
A Survivors’ Testimonial
I came to the Dallas Suicide and Crisis Center in April of 2007. Michael, my husband of 15 years had just taken his life, and I was terribly lost, lonely and in unimaginable pain. My whole life changed in an instant and I never saw it coming. Michael had no previous attempts, never threatened to do anything like this, and wasn’t depressed, to my knowledge, anyway. In fact, he was someone I looked up to and admired for his stalwart philosophy of going on, continuing to try, even in the face of embarrassing failures and disappointments. I thought we would be together for a very long time to come. My SOS group saved me. It was the first place I could tell others honestly that I wanted to die too. It was safe there to say anything. The unthinkable had come to pass, and with the help of these people, my life by seemingly infinitesimally small increments, became more bearable. After the group was over, I determined that I wanted to honor Michael and remember him in some positive way through the Center. I made a number of phone links, appeared several times on panels to train hotline volunteers and recently completed facilitator training. I hope to lead a support group this year and help others in their work towards recovery.
~ Karen Cole Bieber